Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Homeschool Horizons, Canadian Homeschool Magazine, Launches website

The website launched February 10, 2011 and the magazine is planning for a first print edition in September 2011.

From their website: "Homeschool Horizons is a soon-to-launch homeschool encouragement magazine dedicated to Canadian homeschoolers...Homeschool Horizons HQ is in Ontario, but our team spans this beautiful country we call Canada."

Check it out by clicking on the magazine logo above.  Read the explanation of the Homeschool Horizons logo, check out the Homeschool Horizons We Care page to read about a wonderful plan, send a link to your blog so that you can be added to the Homeschool Horizons' list of Canadian bloggers.

Also, take a minute to fill in the Homeschool Horizons survey to have a say in what the magazine becomes.  On the Homeschool Horizons facebook page they have issued a challenge to see which is the top homeschool province in Canada, based on the number of responses they get to their survey.  Let's make sure that our province is well represented in the results.

Before you leave the magazine's website, don't forgot to sign up to be notified of updates.  Pass the word.  Here's a chance for homeschoolers across Canadian to connect and support one another.

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